What Are Spinal Cord Injuries?
The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that runs down the middle of your back, running through a canal that is formed by and enclosed by the spinal vertebrae. The spinal cord carries nerve impulses back and forth between your body and your brain. A spinal cord injury disrupts these signals by cutting or damaging the spinal cord in some way. An injury to the spinal cord usually begins with a blow that fractures or dislocates one or more vertebrae. Most injuries do not cut through your spinal cord. Instead, pieces of vertebrae tear into cord tissue or press down on the spinal cord.
Dr. Kendall Carll is a board-certified spine surgeon who has been practicing for more than 15 years in the North Texas area. He leverages every ounce of his experience to help properly diagnose complex spine problems. His medical offices in Addison and Plano are equipped to help patients recover from spinal cord injuries.
Spinal Cord Injuries Reviews
What Are the Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries?
A traumatic spinal cord injury is caused by a high-impact blow to the spine. This results in spinal fractures and/or shattering of one or some of the spinal vertebrae. Common injuries that can result in a traumatic spinal cord injury include those that occur from sports accidents, car accidents, falls, and acts of violence. Nontraumatic spinal cord injuries are typically caused by degeneration of the spine, but can also be caused by infection, cancer, and arthritis.
What Are the Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injuries?
Symptoms of a spinal cord injury will vary depending on which area of the spine has been affected. Spinal cord injuries can also be complete or incomplete. With a complete spinal cord injury, the cord cannot send signals below the level of the injury. As a result, all feeling and mobility are lost below the injured area of the spine. With an incomplete spinal cord injury, you maintain some measure of movement and feeling below the injury. Other symptoms associated with both complete and incomplete spinal cord injuries include:
- Pressure in the neck, head, or back
- Inability to control bladder and bowel functions
- Muscle spasms
- Difficulty breathing
- Loss of mobility
- Loss of sensation and feeling
How Is A Spinal Cord Injury Diagnosed?
When a spinal cord injury is suspected, Dr. Carll will administer a physical exam to test the patients level of feeling and mobility in their extremities. He will then typically use MRI, CT scan, and x-ray images to make a proper diagnosis. Individuals who have received a traumatic spinal cord injury will need to monitored until any swelling has reduced, so that more comprehensive exams can be administered.
How Are Spinal Cord Injuries Treated?
A spinal cord injury is a medical emergency. Immediate treatment can reduce the long-term effects of a spinal cord injury. Treatment following a spinal cord injury may include medication, braces or traction, and/or surgery to stabilize the spine. Longer-term treatments usually include medicines and rehabilitation therapy.
Are there Nonsurgical Treatments for Spinal Cord Injuries?
Certain medications can be beneficial for patients with an acute spinal cord injury in order to reduce swelling and inflammation, help with pain and discomfort, and reduce muscle spasms. Braces may also be necessary to help stabilize the spine. Physical therapy is recommended for almost every spinal cord injury patient in order to help them rebuild strength and mobility.
Is Surgery Necessary for Spinal Cord Injuries?
In many cases of spinal cord injuries, surgery is needed to stabilize the spine, remove bone fragments, and repair areas of the spine. Typically, surgery is the first form of treatment in emergency cases in order to ensure that no further damage occurs to the spine.
Spinal Cord Injuries FAQ
What are the potential long-term effects of a spinal cord injury?
The long-term effects of a spinal cord injury vary based on severity and location. They may include partial or complete loss of mobility and sensation below the injury, chronic pain, muscle atrophy, and loss of bladder and bowel control. Other impacts can include respiratory issues, sexual health problems, and secondary complications like pressure sores. Rehabilitation and ongoing medical care are essential for managing these effects and improving quality of life.
Can lifestyle changes help manage a spinal cord injury?
Yes, lifestyle changes can help manage a spinal cord injury. Maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in tailored physical activity, and following a rehabilitation program can improve health and mobility. Psychological support and counseling can also help address emotional challenges, promoting a positive outlook and a better quality of life.
How does a spinal cord injury affect daily life?
A spinal cord injury can significantly impact daily life, affecting mobility, independence, and the ability to perform routine activities. Individuals may need assistance with tasks such as dressing, bathing, and moving around. Adaptive devices and home modifications can help improve independence. Dr. Kendall Carll and his team at Spine Care of North Texas provide comprehensive support to help patients adjust to these changes and maintain as much independence as possible.
Receive Immediate Care
Spinal cord injuries are serious and require immediate medical attention. Dr. Kendall Carll helps patients with both traumatic and nontraumatic spinal cord injuries to receive care in order to preserve as much mobility as possible. If you or a loved one received a spinal cord injury, contact one of our North Texas locations immediately to receive the appropriate treatment.